Toward Peer Leadership as a High-Impact Practice
Insights from the U.S. Data in the 2023 International Survey of Peer Leaders
- Publisher
National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition - Published
24th January - ISBN 9781942072775
- Language English
- Pages 150 pp.
- Size 8.5" x 11"
- Images tables & figures
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- Publisher
National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition - Published
12th February - ISBN 9781942072782
- Language English
- Pages 150 pp.
- Size 8.5" x 11"
- Images tables & figures
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- Publisher
National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition - Published
12th February - ISBN 9781942072799
- Language English
- Pages 150 pp.
- Size 8.5" x 11"
- Images tables & figures
Higher education professionals engage peer leaders in a variety of settings, from academic advising to residence life and from orientation to the senior year experience. Although the structure and administration of peer leader programs varies depending on the unique needs and features of a particular college or university, there is a commonality across peer leaders and their experiences. In short, peer leadership has a triple-impact in that it benefits student recipients, the institution, and the peer leaders themselves.
Toward Peer Leadership as a High Impact Practice: Insights from the U.S. Data in the 2023 International Survey of Peer Leaders contributes to the academic scholarship on peer leadership through the recent collection of over 1,500 student responses on their experiences as peer leaders. This report looks at peer leadership as a high-impact practice, examines the equity and access to participation in peer leadership, and explores key questions for practitioners looking to implement, refine, or assess their peer leadership programs, as well as for researchers with an interest in drawing findings of this survey for their work.
Tables and Figures
Part 1 – Framing the Results: Background and Context of the Report
1) Introduction and Overview of the US Administration of the 2023 International Survey of Peer Leaders
2) Peer Leadership: A High-Impact Practice that Addresses Contemporary Concerns in Higher Education
Part 2 – Evidence of the (High) Impact of Peer Leadership: Key Functional Areas in Higher Education
3) Peer Leadership in Orientation
4) Are Times A-Changing? The Complicated Role of the Resident Assistant as Peer Leader
5) Peer Leadership in the First-Year Experience: A Pathway Toward Belonging
6) Peer Advising and Peer Advisors
7) The Impact of Peer Leadership in Supplemental Instruction
8) Peer Leadership and Sense of Belonging in Campus Activities
Part 3 – Conclusion: Tying it all Together
9) Conclusion: Charting a Path Forward
Appendix A: International Survey of Peer Leaders – US 2022-23 Administration Survey Methods
Appendix B: International Survey of Peer Leaders Student Questionnaire - United States
Appendix C: List of Institutions Participating in the 2022-23 US Administration of the International Survey of Peer Leaders
Appendix D: International Survey of Peer Leaders – US Participant Demographic Profile
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