Gender and Rural Globalization

International Perspectives on Gender and Rural Development

September 2017
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    22nd September 2017
  • ISBN 9781780646251
  • Language English
  • Pages 360 pp.
  • Size 6.75" x 9.5"
  • Images charts

This book explores how rural gender relations are changing in a globalizing world and how they fundamentally impact the structure of agricultural life in rural areas and urban-rural relations. It analyzes the development of rural gender relations in specific places around the world and looks into the effects of the increasing connectivity and mobility of people across places. The themes covered are: gender and mobility, gender and agriculture, gender and rural politics, rurality and gender identity, and women and international development. Each theme has an overview of the state of the art in that specific thematic area and integrates relevant case studies.

1. Gender and rural globalization: an introduction to international perspectives on gender and rural development
2. Gender and mobility
3. "There is dignity only with livestock": Land grabbing and the changing social practices of pastoralist women in Gujarat, India
4. Women's migration for work. The case of Ukrainian caregivers in rural Italy
5. Gender, migration and rural livelihoods in Uzbekistan in times of change
6. Gender and rural migration in Mexico and The Caribbean
7. Gender and Agriculture
8. The Genderness of Climate Change, Australia
9. Where family, farm and society intersect: values of women farmers in Sweden
10. Women farmers and agricultural extension/education in Slovenia and Greece
11. The Agency Paradox: the Impact of Gender(ed) Frameworks on Irish Farm Youth
12. Rurality and Gender Identity
13. Rural. Women. Leaders. Identity formation in rural Northern Ireland
14. Gender identities and divorce among farmers in Norway
15. Merging Masculinities: exploring intersecting masculine identities on family farms
16. Creating ‘masculine’ spaces for ‘feminine’ emotions – Men and social inclusion
17. Gender desegregation among village representatives in Poland: towards breaking the male domination in local politics?
18. Gender and international development
19. ‘Glocal’ networking for gender equality and sustainable livelihoods
20. Gender Transitions in Agriculture and Food Systems
21. Sugar and Gender Relations in Malawi
22. The role of gender indicators in rural development programs
23. Beneficial for women? Global trends in gender, land and titling
24. Conclusions – Future Directions

Bettina Bock

Bettina Bock is at Wageningen University, The Netherlands.

Sally Shortall

Sally Shortall is at Newcastle University, UK.