Max F. Rothschild


Max F. Rothschild is CF Curtiss Distinguished Professor in Agriculture and Life Sciences and holds the ME Ensminger Chair in International Animal Agriculture at Iowa State University. Since 1993 Rothschild has served as the USDA Pig Genome Mapping Coordinator. In 2007 he was named director of the Center for Integrated Animal Genomics. He is widely recognized as a world leader in the field of pig genetics. He has presented numerous invited papers in over 40 countries and has over 300 refereed publications, 500 other publications and 11 patents. His awards include AAAS fellow, USDA Group Honor Award, ASAS award in Animal Breeding and Genetics and the ASAS International Service award, two R&D100 awards and was named Iowa Inventor of the year in 2002. Rothschild also has been active developing livestock projects in developing countries.

Author's Books
