Thorogood Reports Series Read Description

Discrimination Law Edition 3

April 2011
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    30th April 2011
  • ISBN 9781854187215
  • Language English
  • Pages 120 pp.
  • Size 8.25" x 11.75"

This practical briefing will ensure that employers and their advisers do not fall foul of the law on age and other anti-discrimination laws. The new Age Discrimination Act is the most significant change in employment law since the 1970s.

In addition to sex and race discrimination laws, employers have also had to cope with sexual orientation discrimination and religious discrimination. David Martin, an expert on employment law and practice, analyzes the practical aspects of dealing with each of the anti-discrimination laws. He demonstrates how to ensure that paperwork and systems comply totally with the law and he provides a range of helpful case studies to illustrate the key issues and bring them to life.

David M. Martin

David M. Martin runs his own successful consultancy and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and the Institute of Directors. He is a regular seminar and conference speaker and has written over 60 business books. He helped set up and wrote several best selling titles as well as several others for the ICSA "One Stop" series. His latest books, The Instant Company Secretary, The Company Directors Desktop Guide, and The A-Z of Facilities and Property Management, are all published by Thorogood.